1. What is Heartbeat?
Heartbeat is a service provided free of charge to your Patient so that your Patient can request and receive their personal Health Summary electronically in a secure manner. Heartbeat is a Vendor Partner of ALEX (Application Layer Exchange). The GP/Practice receives the Patient Heartbeat Health Summary Request via ALEX.
2. GP/Practice Consent to Accept or Decline a Patient Heartbeat Health Summary?
The Patient Heartbeat Request requires the GP/Practice to Accept the request in order to produce the Patient’s Health Summary. If, for whatever reason, the GP/Practices Declines the Patient Request, the process will be suspended and the Patient Notified accordingly.
3. How secure is Heartbeat?
The Heartbeat Health Summary is encrypted. Security is based on two Factor Authentication and enables the customer to use facial/touch recognition (where applicable) to login to their Heartbeat account.
6. What if i'm unsure about the request or I need to discuss the request with my patient first?
If for any reason, the GP/Practice, has doubts that the request is from their Patient, Heartbeat recommends they contact the Patient immediately. Where the patient has clearly indicated they are travelling, Heartbeat recommends the GP/Practice ensures the Patient is travel ready e.g. Has sufficient medications, Has had appropriate vaccinations and if needed, receive the appropriate Travel advice regarding their current Conditions etc